PILP Before 5th District Court of Appeal

PILP Staff Attorney Valerie Feldman appeared before the 5th District Court of Appeal to argue for more inclusive housing in Clovis, a community that has long been segregated by race and economic status. PILP brought this case with Central California Legal Services on behalf of Desiree Martinez to put a stop to City of Clovis’ overlay zoning scheme which continues to exclude lower income communities and communities of color from areas of opportunity, and conflicts with the plain language in Government Code 65583.2(h) requiring zoning to be at minimum densities of 20 units per acre. A win in this case means that the trial court decision will be upheld and the City must (at minimum) rezone to accommodate 4,000 additional units of multi-family housing in order to address the City's dire need for affordable housing, and will set precedent for other cities on the strengthened requirements of housing element law. View the oral argument on the Court of Appeal’s website here (From 1:45:43 to 2:46:00).